We wanted to share some great news:
One of our long-time community members has recently found himself in a new apartment with a new job!
Albert, with support from our Community Centre's Community Support Worker, Lina, and hiregood.ca job mentor, Bob, has moved into his new place and has been working for hiregood.ca every morning.
Last week Albert and Bob were at an Edmonton Public Library on a job contract, and they found a shopping cart lodged in the snow. After digging it out, they saw that it belonged to the Italian Centre Shop. Having the hiregood truck, Albert suggested that they return the shopping cart. Bob and Albert loaded up the cart, drove it downtown and returned it to the Italian Centre Shop. The Assistant Manager was so grateful that she gave Albert a coffee on the house! Though we know there is possibility that Albert will experience a few setbacks in his progress, we are all so proud of the immense amount of work that he has put into being where he is today. Big shout-out to Albert, as well as Lina and Bob for being such great supports.